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Look at the world and ask questions, develop answers through scientific inquiry, and to extend this process to relevant real-world problems.

Category Archives: Education

21st Century Collaborative | Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach | Exploring global connections as a powerful means to improving teaching & learning

21st Century Collaborative | Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach | Exploring global connections as a powerful means to improving teaching & learning.

Black drops ball at school overcrowding meeting.

Task force member Eric Greenleaf, a business professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, has done extensive research on the population boom in Lower Manhattan and the resulting overcrowding in the schools. When he presented his latest data to Black on Thursday, showing an estimated need for 1,000 additional seats by 2015, Black made a verbal gaffe that riled up the entire educational community.

“Could we just have some birth control for a while? It would really help us all out,” joked Black.


Cathy Hughes’ Advice to Black Women in Business (article) by Bro Bedford on AuthorsDen.

I tell women so often, your husbands, your brothers, your
sisters, your mothers, your fathers, your neighbors, sometimes
even your financial advisors and your lawyers are the first to
want to protect you.

You have to be BOLD and ADVENTUROUS if you are a woman going
into business. Even though more and more women are going into
business, it is still a male dominated game.